Welcome to Vauvert Primary School.
Vauvert Primary School is a happy, thriving school located in the heart of St Peter Port, Guernsey. We are a two form primary school with approximately 340 children on role with ages between 4 and 11 years. We endeavour to be a welcoming, friendly school with children at the heart of everything we do.
As Headteacher since September 2022, I am proud to lead our school and to work with our community to enable our children to be the best that they can be. Our staff are dedicated professionals who work together to provide a wide range of learning opportunities that meet the needs of each and every one of our children. Staff recognise the uniqueness of each child and work to know them and to understand them. They develop positive relationships built upon kindness and respect. Children are appropriately challenged and supported, helping them to achieve.
We have a strong local community, including our PTFA (Parents, Teachers, Friends Association) who support the school’s work and provide additional events for the community to enjoy. We work with local businesses and welcome volunteers to our school. We seek to develop strong relationships with parents and carers, and to work together in partnership.
Our tagline, developed during the Autumn Term 2022 - Be Respectful. Be Honest. Be The Best You Can Be - underpins our ethos. We believe that these are key attributes in life and, as such, these permeate our school.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that the content here provides you with the information that you are looking for. Should you need anything further, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
With best wishes,
Mr. Paul