Senior Leadership Team
Mr A Paul | Headteacher, Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mr J McGahy | Acting Deputy Headteacher Upper School Lead (Y5,6) |
Mrs N McCreight | Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) Designated Safeguarding Lead Acting Lower School Lead (EYFS, Y1) |
Miss E Mauger | Lower School Lead (EYFS, Y1) Currently on maternity leave |
Miss D Neville | Middle School Lead (Y2,3,4), Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Miss E Mauger | Reception Teacher, Lower School Lead Currently on maternity leave |
Mrs M Le Normand | Reception Teacher |
Mrs V Collenette | Reception Teacher |
Mrs B Allen | Reception Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs F Fallaize | Reception Learning Support Assistant |
KS1 Team
Mrs R Young | Y1 Class Teacher |
Miss H McCready | Y1 Class Teacher |
Mrs R Edwards | Y1 Learning Support Assistant |
Miss D Neville | Y2 Class Teacher, Middle School Lead (Y2,3,4), Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs J Thomas | Y2 Class Teacher |
Miss L Baker | Y2 Learning Support Assistant |
KS2 Team
Mrs A Scullion | Y3 Teacher |
Mrs K Holt | Y3 Teacher |
Mrs M de Villiers | Y4 Teacher |
Miss L Sword | Y4 Teacher |
Mrs J Foss | Y3/4 Learning Support Assistant |
Miss S Duncan | Y5 Class Teacher |
Mr N Wolfe | Y5 Class Teacher |
Mrs J Furniss | Y6 Class Teacher |
Miss G Swan | Y6 Class Teacher |
Mrs S Palmer | Y5/6 Learning Support Assistant |
PPA Team
Mrs M Le Normand | PPA Teacher Currently teaching Reception |
Mrs V Clayton | PPA Teacher |
Miss J Middleton | PPA Teacher |
Mrs L Grindal | PPA Teacher |
Herm Class Team
Mr L Harvey | Herm Class Teacher |
Mrs C Martel | Learning Support Assistant |
Inclusion Team
Mrs N McCreight | Inclusion Lead/ ALNCo |
Miss K Ashplant | Language and Literacy Specialist Intervention Teacher, Reading Recovery Teacher |
Mrs J Le Gallez | Language and Literacy Specialist Intervention Teacher |
Mrs S Truelove | ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, Inclusion Learning Support Assistant |
Miss E Cottell | Inclusion Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs G Bougourd | Inclusion Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs C Le Gallais | Inclusion Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs C Robilliard | Inclusion Learning Support Assistant |
Lunch Supervisors
Mrs L Conchar | Lunch Supervisor |
Mrs C Le Gallais | Lunch Supervisor |
Miss P McCombie | Lunch Supervisor |
Mrs W Ogier | Lunch Supervisor |
Mrs C Robilliard | Lunch Supervisor |
Mrs A Cooney | Lunch Supervisor |
Administration Team
Mrs J Turian | Office Manager |
Miss P McCombie | School Administrator |
Caretaking Team
Mr K. Le Poidevin | Site Supervisor |