
Vauvert Primary School

Be respectful. Be honest. Be the best you can be.

The Bailiwick Big Picture Curriculum



Vauvert Primary School follows the Bailiwick of Guernsey Curriculum.


Our key aim is to enable all students to learn and achieve whilst promoting their physical, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in preparation for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. We aim to:


  • Enable all pupils to become confident individuals, responsible citizens, effective contributors and successful learners.


  • Provide a safe and secure learning environment where everyone experiences success, everyone is treated with respect and valued, and each child is encouraged to have a positive ‘Growth Mindset’;


  • Provide equal and appropriate access to a broad, balanced curriculum including subject based and cross curricular experiences;


  • A teaching and learning programme that effectively achieves high standards including group work, problem solving and creativity;


  • Deliver a curriculum which motivates the children and which builds on their prior knowledge, developing pupils’ independent learning skills and their ability to work with others;


  • Encourage Christian values, citizenship and a sense of community including respect for people from other cultures within our community;


  • Encourage effective communication with others, which supports parental involvement and community links.


In the Reception Foundation Stage we work within the six areas of learning:


  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Communication and language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design


At Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) we work within the Bailiwick of Guernsey’s ‘Big Picture’ Curriculum. The Big Picture Curriculum prepares learners for the complexities of the world outside of the classroom.

The Big Picture is a curriculum for all children, of all abilities and needs with entitlements to ensure children become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. The curriculum of a school is the entire planned learning experience. From the moment the children enter the school, they will be learning. They will be formally taught for some of the time and will also learn through the ethos of the school, positive engagement in the daily life of the school and by taking advantage of the range of activities that are available including the lessons. Learning outside the classroom is a vehicle for delivery of all aspects of the curriculum to encourage maximum engagement for all learners. Guernsey offers a wealth of learning opportunities beyond the classroom and we try to get the children to make connections within and across curriculum areas.


The learning is delivered through the development of the following skills:


  • Critical thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Independence
  • Resilience


These skills will be at the heart of teaching and will be delivered through a broad and balanced curriculum that may be taught discretely or through cross-curricular themes.


Understanding English, Communication and Languages – English, communication and languages lie at the heart of our capacity to imagine, think, create and make a crucial contribution to children’s development as well-rounded individuals. It is important that all children learn to communicate, and it is through Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening that they become proficient at this. Learning and using foreign languages enables children to engage and identify with different cultures and societies. Children will learn about other cultures and may start to learn basic vocabulary from another language.


Mathematical Understanding - This develops skills we need in every day life, using numbers, measurements, data handling, shape and space. It encourages development in the use of logic and reasoning and so helps with problem solving. Financial literacy is also a vital life skill that is taught throughout the school.


Scientific and Technological Understanding - Children live in a highly developed scientific age and need to understand the ever changing world and scientific advances.

Information Technology (ICT) is the use of such items as computers and ipads. These are in all classes and are used by all children. Some specific skills may be taught discretely, but generally ICT is used to develop learning across the curriculum.

Design Technology is often cross curricular and offers a means of children solving problems and using their numeracy and communication skills.


History, Geographical and Social Understanding - History concentrates on developing the child’s sense of time. Topics are used as a vehicle by which children can develop certain historical skills: understanding points of view and interpretations, acquiring and evaluating historical information.

Geography will initially concentrate on the child’s immediate environments, broadening into exploring other countries, their climates and culture. Mapping skills are developed and other themes dealt with in more detail i.e. environmental issues, industries and uses of land. These are also delivered through themes and topics.

Citizenship education allows children to understand how they can play a full part in society as active and responsible citizens, learning about democracy, government, and how laws are made and upheld.


The Arts – These provide a context in which children learn to express their thoughts and emotions, use their imagination, experiment and develop creativity.

Art encourages the development of creative abilities, feelings and ideas through the use of different media. Children will experience painting, drawing, modelling and printing, work with textiles and see real artists and look at original works of art as a stimulus.

Music - Children are encouraged to participate in this area by singing and through the use of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments and the experience of performances, and so learn to enjoy a large part of their cultural history. Opportunities to develop individual instrumental skills are given through the Peripatetic Music Service.

Drama - This plays a great part in the creative and personal development of a child and helps them to understand their own and others’ feelings and develops confidence from small through to whole school performances.


Religion, Philosophy and Ethics – Religious, philosophical and ethical education enables children and young people to explore the world’s major religions and approaches to living which are independent of religious belief, and to be challenged by these different beliefs and values. It supports children and young adults in developing responsible attitudes to other people, their values and their capacity for moral and ethical judgement. Religious education teaching is initially based on the Christian faith. The teaching is informative and stresses moral standards, but does not seek to indoctrinate. Understanding and respect for other people’s beliefs is emphasised. The study of the world’s religions is an essential feature of religious and moral education for all children and young people. An assembly, including an Act of Worship, is held most mornings. Local ministers and guests from various denominations occasionally lead school assemblies. The children themselves take some school assemblies, and throughout the year special services are held to celebrate certain Christian festivals.


Physical Development, Health and Wellbeing – To enjoy healthy, active and fulfilling lives, children must learn to respond positively to challenges, be enterprising and handle risk and to develop self-confidence and physical capabilities. This area of learning lays the foundations for long-term wellbeing and contributes to their mental, social, emotional, economic and physical development. It is central to their development as confident individuals.

Physical Development - There are four main areas covered by the school:

  • Gymnastics and movement, using the floor, small and large apparatus;
  • Games skills, including team games;
  • Creative and educational dance;
  • Swimming.

Personal and Social Health Education (PSHE) - This is all about developing a positive self image, so that the child can make choices, and learn from an early age how to respond to areas such as peer pressure, and so make informed choices about their lives and their health.


The children will focus on Growth Mindset, as part of the PSHE curriculum, to develop their understanding of challenge, handling risk, learning from mistakes and the concept of Personal Best – always improving on what has been achieved before, to get even better.


