
Vauvert Primary School

Be respectful. Be honest. Be the best you can be.

School Development

At Vauvert Primary School we are continuously looking at how we can improve our school to ensure the best for the children and families that we serve. We work to understand our current position by seeking feedback from the children, the staff, the families, agencies that we work with, and our school community as a whole. We look at how the children are in school and how the children attain at key points in their school journey.


By triangulating the evidence from multiple sources, we are able to plan for school improvement.


Each year, we produce a School Development Plan that we to plan out our areas of priority for the coming year. An overview of our priorities for this academic year can be seen below.      

School Development Priorities 2022-2023


While we have many priorities, including those for specific subject areas, we have key over-arching priorities in place. 


Our main priority is to develop our curriculum to ensure that all subjects have clear progression through the school, including the development of vocabulary over time.


Our second main priority is to ensure a consistent approach to behaviour, and expectations of pupils attitude to learning. This includes personal motivation as well as continuing to develop an understanding of growth mindset.


Our third main priority is to improve the school's approach to inclusion and inclusive practices. This encompasses all processes and procedures relating to SEND, to managing attendance, and to considering how teaching is adapted to meet the needs of all learners.


Our fourth main priority is to develop a school vision with clear aims and a strong ethos. Part of this is the development of updated school documentation and a new website.
