Detailed below is the privacy policy relating to Vauvert Primary School
Vauvert Primary school is a co-educational school for students aged 4 to 11. We take our responsibilities as a data controller seriously and are committed to using the personal data we hold in accordance with the law.
This privacy notice provides detailed information about how we process personal data. Please read it carefully and, if you have questions regarding your personal data or its use, please contact the school by email, by telephone or by post.
We process personal data about prospective, current and past: pupils and their parents; staff, suppliers and contractors; donors, friends and supporters; and other individuals connected to or visiting our school.
The personal data we process takes different forms – it may be factual information, expressions of opinion, images or other recorded information which identifies or relates to a living individual. Examples include:
As a school, we need to process special category personal data (eg concerning health, ethnicity, religion or biometric data) and criminal records information about some individuals (particularly pupils and staff). We do so in accordance with applicable law (including with respect to safeguarding or employment) and, where necessary, relying on individuals’ explicit consent.
We collect most of the personal data we process directly from the individual concerned (or in the case of pupils, from their parents). In some cases, we collect data from third parties (for example, referees, previous schools, the Disclosure and Barring Service, or professionals or authorities working with the individual) or from publicly available resources (for example, for fundraising purposes, as further set out below).
Personal data held by us is processed by appropriate members of staff for the purposes for which the data was provided, in accordance with section 4 below. We take appropriate technical and organisational steps to ensure the security of personal data about individuals, including policies around use of technology and devices, and access to school systems. We do not transfer personal data outside of the European Economic Area unless we are satisfied that the personal data will be afforded an equivalent level of protection.
In the course of school business, we share personal data (including special category personal data where appropriate) with third parties such as examination boards, the school doctors, the school’s professional advisors and relevant authorities (eg the Local Children Safeguarding Board, Disclosure and Barring Service, National College for Teaching and Leadership, UK Visas and Immigration, HM Revenue and Customs, Department for Education and Department for Work and Pensions). Some of our systems are provided by third parties, eg hosted databases, school website, school calendar, class dojo or cloud storage providers. This is always subject to contractual assurances that personal data will be kept securely and only in accordance with our specific directions.
We process personal data to support the school’s operation as a co-educational school for 4 to 11 years old, and in particular for:
We may process your personal data for the above purposes because:
We retain personal data only for legitimate purposes, relying on one or more of the lawful bases as set out above, and only for so long as necessary for those purposes, or as required by law. We have adopted Records Retention Guidelines (available on request) which set out the time period for which different categories of data are kept. If you have any specific queries about our record retention periods, please contact the school .
You have various rights under data protection law to:
where our processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
Please note that these rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled or required to refuse requests where exceptions or exemptions apply.
If you would like to exercise any of your rights under data protection law for which we are the data controller, please make your request in writing to the :
School secretary,
Vauvert Primary School
St Peter Port
We will respond to any such written requests as soon as is reasonably practicable and in any event within statutory time limits, which is typically one month but may be extended where your request is complex. We will be better able to respond quickly to smaller, targeted requests for information. If the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive (particularly because of their repetitive character, where they are similar to previous requests), we may ask you to reconsider or charge a proportionate fee, but only where data protection law allows this.
You should be aware that certain data is exempt from the right of access. This may include information which identifies other individuals, or information which is subject to legal privilege. We are also not required to disclose any pupil examination scripts (though examiners’ comments may fall to be disclosed), nor any confidential reference given or received by the school for the purposes of the education, training or employment of any individual.
The rights under data protection law belong to the individual to whom the data relates. However, where consent is required as the lawful basis for processing personal data relating to pupils (because no other lawful basis applies) we will often rely on parental consent unless, given the nature of the processing in question, and the pupil’s age and understanding, it is more appropriate to rely on the pupil’s consent.
Parents should be aware that in such situations they may not be consulted, depending on the interests of the child, the parents’ rights at law or under their contract, and taking in to account all the relevant circumstances.
In general, we will assume that pupils’ consent is not required (and that other lawful bases are more appropriate, as described above) for ordinary disclosure of their personal data to their parents, e.g. for the purposes of keeping parents informed about the pupil’s activities, progress and behaviour, and in the interests of the pupil’s welfare, unless, in the school’s opinion, there is a good reason to do otherwise.
However, where a pupil seeks to raise concerns confidentially with a member of staff and expressly withholds their agreement to their personal data being disclosed to their parents, we may be under an obligation to maintain confidentiality unless, in our opinion, there is a good reason to do otherwise; for example where the school believes disclosure will be in the best interests of the pupil or other pupils, or is required by law.
Pupils can make subject access requests (or other requests to exercise individual rights under data protection law) for their own personal data, provided that they have sufficient maturity to understand the request they are making. Our pupils are generally assumed to have this level of maturity. A person with parental responsibility will generally be entitled to make a subject access request (or other requests to exercise individual rights under data protection law) on behalf of pupils, but the information in question is always considered to be the child’s at law. A pupil of any age may ask a parent or other representative to make a subject access request (or other requests to exercise individual rights under data protection law) on their behalf. Moreover, if a pupil is of sufficient maturity, their consent or authority may need to be sought by the parent making such a request.
We try to ensure that all personal data held in relation to an individual is as up to date and accurate as possible. Please notify of any significant changes to important information, such as contact details, held about you.
Our privacy notice should be read in conjunction with our other policies and terms and conditions which make reference to personal data, including our Parent Contract, our Safeguarding Policy, Health & Safety Policies, Acceptable Use Policies and IT Policies.
We will update this Privacy Notice from time to time. Any substantial changes that affect how we process your personal data will be notified on our website and to you directly, as far as practicable.
If you believe that we have not complied with this policy or have acted otherwise than in accordance with data protection law, you should notify the. You can also make a referral to or lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), although the ICO recommends that steps are taken to resolve the matter with us before involving them. You can also find out more about your rights under data protection law from the ICO website available at: